Thursday, November 09, 2006

Diary of an unemployed I I

The adventure of job searching

Ok I’m here in front of the internet. There are zillions of job sites. So let’s see, what can I do? What matches my accumulated knowledge and my working experience? Ok those only allow people until 35, those others give offer you a salary that is lower than your unemployment benefit. So I have filtered all these. Still have a couple of options. I apply to this group, let’s say 10 job offers. From 3 I never even I hear anything. A couple sends you the standard reply. I have to laugh at the sentence “after reading your application carefully” while being a Mrs. They addressed me as a Mr. Other are a little more creative, they mention stuff like you don’t fit the profile, your profile doesn’t match our company’s.

Once in a while you manage to get invited to an interview. So I prepare myself the best I can. I check which neat clothe to wear, essay my businesslike body languages, the almost perfect handshake, the smile on time, how to sit correctly on the chair.

Sometimes only by the first 10 seconds of look of the person taking the interview will tell you that they don’t want you. At the same time only by looking at the gray old walls of some institutions you already feel depressed.

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